Thursday, October 23, 2014

B&S litter will be born 25.10.2014

Father Multi Ch Mini Maksi Hit
Mother Ch Gwendals Coka Cola

20.9.2014 Miniature schnauzer special show Lohja

Judge was Maija Mäkinen, Finland
BOB, BIS 3 puppy Jettyspoof's Just Right

BOB, BIS 4 Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet and BOS Jettyspoof's Oh so Great

BF2,CAC BOB jun BIS 3 jun Jettyspoof's Super Star

BOB,BIS 1 Breeder Jettyspoof's

BIS1 progenyclass Double O Seven Les Amis du Channel

Janakkala INT 30.8.2014

Judge was Yvonne Brink, Sweden
BOB, CAC Dog-Otho's Sugar Boy
BM2 CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Man
BOS,CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet
BF2,CAC Jettyspoof's Super Sweet
BF3,res cACIB Jettyspoof's Seven Stars
BOB breeder Jettyspoof's

Kouvola nat 23.8- Heinola nat 24..2014

Kouvola Judge George Schogol
BOB,CAC Jettyspoof's Super Sweet
BM2, res CAC Dog-Otho's Sugar Boy

Heinola Judge was Petr Rehanek
BM3 res CAC Dog-Othos Sugar Boy
MF3 res CAC Jettyspoof's Super Sweet

Estonian Winner 2014 Tallinn 31.5.2014

BOB,CACIB ESTw-14Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet
BM2 jun CAC EstJw-14 BOS jun Jettyspoof's Super Mario
BOS,CACIB EstW-14 Jettyspoof's Oh So Great
BF2, jun CAC EstJw-14 BOBjun Jettyspoof's Super Star
BOB breeder Jettyspoof's

28.6.2014 Pori INT

Judge was Blaz Kavcic
BOS,CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Man
BM2, CAC,res CACIB Jettyspoof's Icy Top
BF2 res CACIB Jettyspoof's Seven Stars

Tampere miniature schnauzer special show 3.5.2014

Judge was Ulrike Schmidt, Germany
BOS Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet

BF3 CAC Jettyspoof's Oh So Star

BF4, resCAC, BOS junior Jettyspoof's Super Star
 BM3 BOB junior Jettyspoof's Icy Top
BM2 Jettyspoof's Schadow Oscar

BOB breeder Jettyspoof's

Tampere INT 3.5.2014

Harri Lehkonen
BOB,CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet
BOS,CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Man

Lahti INT 26.4.2014

Judge was Qulis Bonet Fernando, Spain
BOB, CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Great
BM3 CAC Goldiris Upon my Word
BF2, CAC, Res CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Star
 Goldis Upon My Word
 Jettyspoof's Oh So Star
Jettyspoof's Oh So Great

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet

19.4 INT Imatra BF2 CACIB Hans vd Berg
10.5 INT HKI BOB,CACIB Nina Karlsdottir
12.7 INT Oulu BOB,CACIB Saija Juutilainen

Jettyspoof's Oh So Man

12.4 Kankaanpää BM2 Malgorzata Supronowich
3.5 Harjavalta BM3 Igor Selimovic
17.5 Rauma BOB Svante Frisk

Jettyspoof's Oh So Great

Vaasa INT BOB,CACIB Dick Baars
Lahti INT BOB,CACIB Quilis Bonnet Fernando
Oulu INT BOB,CACIB Kitty Sjong
Kokkola INT BOB,CACIB Kirsi Kentala

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Monan tytöt lähti omiin koteihinsa:)

Jettyspoof's Peace Loven Harmony aka Jokeri
Jettyspoof's Naturally Harmonious aka Nana

2 kaniini/kääpiömäyräkoiran urospentua vapaana

21.5.2014 syntyneestä mäyrispentueesta on 2 poikaa vailla näyttelyistä kiinnostunutta kotia.

White litter born 15.7.2014

5 male and 1 female is born. couple male is still available. Muutama uros vielä vapaana:)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Next white litter...born about 18.7.2014

Fater is Goldiris Upon my Word, he is import to Ukrain. 2 xCAC, clean eyes, knees 0/0
Mother is CIB D'Arne All The Rage, clean eyes, knees0/0

21.5.2014 born kanin/miniature teckel (wire)

3 male and 2 female
2 urosta vailla vielä omaa kotia ( 2 male is still available)

20.5.2014 Born black and silver litter, 2 female

Both are reserved

Saturday, April 12, 2014

1male and 1 femalile available

Uros ja narttu vielä vailla hyvää kotia, ota yhteyttä mikäli kiinnostaa:)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

White litter born 24.02.2014

White litter born 24.2.2014 2 male and 3 female.
Father is Goldiris Upon My Word ( clean eyes)and mother is FI&S Ch , Swedish winner 2013 Jettyspoof's Seventh Heaven ( clean eyes).
If you are intrested showpuppy, please take contact to me:)

Year of the dog 2013 Affenpincher in Finland:)

Jyväskylä INT 22.2. 2014

White miniature schnauzer:
BOB,CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet
BF2, CAC, r -CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Star
Affenpincher BOB,CAC,CACIB and new Champion Pollysilk Alfons De La Russie

Turku INT 18.01.2014

Judge was Dirk Spruyt

BOB,CACIB Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet
BM2 r CAC, r CACIB Jettyspoofs Oh So Man

Thursday, January 16, 2014

11.1.2014Kajaani INT

White male Jettyspoof's Oh So Great was BOB and CACIB: There was 10 whites and TT was onlyone who get SQ.

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