Monday, June 25, 2012

Lahti group show and puppy show 7.5.2012

Puppy show white mini schnauzer Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet BOB puppy

Group show B&S mnischnauzer Alfa Adrian Exclusive Preveleges BOB and CAC

Kotka int show 16-17.6.2012

Wire haired kaninteckel Chelines Nordic Storm BOB,CAC and CACIB
White mini schnauzer Jettyspoof's Shadow oscar BM2, res- CACIB
                                Jettyspoof's Seven Star's BF2,CAC, res CACIB
B&S mini schnauzer Alfa Adrian Exclusive Preveleges BF2 CAC, res CACIB and new FI CH
                               Chelines Royal Mail BM2 CAC and res CACIB

Schnauzer special show 9.6.2012 at Porvoo

Judge was Verena Ahrendt from Germany. White minischnauzer:
BOB puppy Jettyspoof's Oh So Great
BOS puppy Jettyspoof's Oh So Sweet 
 BOB Jettyspoof's Shadow Oscar 
EXE1 Jettyspoof's Seven Up
BF4 CAC and new champion Jettyspoof's Shadow Liar
EXE1,SQ Jettyspoof's Seventh Heaven
 BOB J. Shadow oscar and BOS Magic Maker Little Quardian
BOB PUPPY J. Oh So Great and BOS J. Oh So Sweet

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fian juoksu alkoi

Jettyspoof's Yap Fairyn juoksu alkoi ja se on tarkoitus astuttaa Jettyspoof's Yazzis Bluesilla. Lisätietoja pentuja sivulta...:)

2-3.6.2012 Estonia winner show 2012

2.6.2012 was Estonian winner show and judge was Myriam Vermeire, Belgium
Jettyspoof's Shadow Oscar BOB, CAC, CACIB, Eew2012 and new estonian CH
Jettyspoof's Seven Star's BOS,CAC,CACIB,Eew2012
Black and silver:
Alfa Adrian Exclusive Preveleg BF2 res CACIB
Chelines Royal Mail BM4, CAC

25-27.5.2012 Moletai

 Black standard male Jettyspoof's Yap Master
25.5.2012 Moletai schnauzer-pincher special show judge was Renata Petkevichie
BOB, CAC and new LT CH
26.5.2012 Moletai INT judge Dubravka Reicher, Croatia
27.5.2012 Moletai INT judge was Kim Leblanc, Canada